What a great day we had at Hazelwilds final show of the 2013-2014 series. Caroline Cumbea and Amber Adams started out the day in Puddle Jumpers. Both girls worked hard in a large group of riders and had good rounds, Caroline picked up a 4th place ribbon in Puddles #2 class.
We went next to our Novice Horse and Novice Rider competitors. Parker Mills picked up 4th, 3rd and 4th place ribbons, Ammie Adams won 3rd, 4th and 3rd and Payge Patenaude scored 4th, 4th and 5th in her classes.
Next onto our 3โฒ Jumpers โ Katie Balch picked up a 5th and was Honorable Mention in the Series End Awards with 46 points!! Heather Nackerman was reserve Champion for the day pinning a 2nd, 6th and 2nd. She and Intriguing Mist held the most points for the series and came home with the Grand Champion.
Our final competitors were in the 3โ3โณ division and Emma Barnard brought home the Champion with a 1st, 3rd and 1st. McKenzie McMillian brought home a 3rd, 4th and 5th and Alanna Ballard came home with a 2 6th place ribbons.
softball season is finally over! And I am missing riding and being with horses. So I am thinking about starting up lessons again. I still ride western and still LOVE trail riding, so I would stick with that. Any thoughts on what group i would be in? I would like to be in an all western group if possible. Thank you so much!!