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THE school show information is updated and ready for all exhibitors to check out and to help with any questions you might need answered.  Our next school show will be October 26.  Rain dates are October 5 and November 2.  Come participate and have some fun Horsing around.

Dates to Remember

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Cranberry Acres Summer camps are done for 2019 and we move into Labor day and some Fall horse shows and FUN.

We will begin with An Away Jumper Show in Warrenton, VA โ€“ A TWA jumper show on September 7, 2019  Please sign up on the poster on the bulletin board in the Lounge.

TWA will host another Jumper show at Warrenton on September 21, 2019  both are Saturday shows.

The Cranberry Acres will host a school show on Saturday September 28, we will have October 5 as a makeup rain date if necessary.  School shows are open to all current riders at the Cranberry Acres, they are a great time to learn how to compete on horseback.  Divisions will be held for posture, (equitation) Jumping both posture and speed, and gymkhana (barrel Racing, polebending and Keyhole racing)  We hope to have something for everyone who would like to try competition.


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We are on our final week of camp and the riders are so CUTE!  We will be lining up horse shows for Hunters and Jumpers and will host 2 school shows this Fall โ€“ October and November.  Our next Open show is on August 17 at GLC Horse Haven in Farmville.  Riders of all ages can participate.  So Far, Willow, Reilly, Kathleen and Kay, MacKenzie and  Lauren are planning on attending.  Let me know if you have an interest in participating in riding Competition.  Sept 7 there will be an open Jumper show in Warrenton, VA.  Sign up forms will be in the office with prices for trailering and or Horse rental.              School in Amelia starts on the 14 and afterschool activities will change for some riders, keep me up to date with your plans so that Iโ€™ll know if there will be an open riding spot for another rider.

July โ€“ August

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We are about to start of 4th camp week and have one more in August to go.  If you are interested in signing up for camp, we have room in our last camp โ€“ it is a beginner camp.  Simply print out the release form and sign up page from our site โ€“ or call 561-3972 or text 920-5320 and leave your name and address and Iโ€™ll be glad to mail copies to you.   We will attend the GLC Horse Show on Saturday August 17, 2019 for anyone interested.  School begins out here in Amelia on August 14. Rein has found a new home with Maddie Wilburn โ€“ Happy Birthday Maddie.

School show results

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We were blessed with a hot but beautifully sunny day on Saturday to hold our final show of the 2018 โ€“ 2019 series.  We had a great turn out and the horses were at their best.

Champion in the Western Division for the day was Savannah Banton.  Reserve Champion for the day was Alexandra Cundiff.

Year end Champion for the Western Division was Alexandra Cundiff.  Reserve Year end Champion was Savannah Banton.

Champion in the Huntseat Division โ€“ Ammie Adams  Tie for Reserve Champion โ€“ Lauren Williams and Chessie Edens



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Our riding program is running classes both in the indoor and outdoor ring at this time. Many riders are preparing for competition off the property. We will attend the final TWA series Jumper show on Saturday March 16 and Many riders will be competing at Calais in Powhatan on Saturday March 23.   You are welcome to go and cheer these riders on !  Also, camp dates are posted. Two in June, two in July and one week in August

Wednesday November 28, 6:30 pm Float preparation

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This Wednesday we will get together here at Cranberry Acres in order to Put together a float for the Amelia Christmas Parade which will be on Saturday December 1 at 4 pm.  All Cranberry Acres Riders and their families are invited to participate in the fun event announcing the beginning of the Christmas season.   The float preparation will begin at 6:30 at the Cranberry Acres.  Mrs Sandy has requested participants to bring scissors, staple guns, wrapping paper, tape, White trash bags, Stuffed horses that will be returned to you, so please put your name on them.   The Parade kicks off at 4 and our float will be judged in the village square.  We will reassemble the float starting at 2:30  โ€“ we are usually assigned to be near the Amelia Country club.. This Thursday it will be posted in the Amelia Monitor.  Mrs Sandy is the go to for more details of what you can bring to help.  Mostly bring your holiday cheer