National Day of the Cowboy

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Our riders did an outstanding job exhibiting a drill team routine this past weekend at NDOC. Cindy, Ayla and James Charbonneau, April and Grace Mimms, Kate Poore, Laura, Reilly and Elaina Stallings, Ammie Adams, Eli Hankins and William Ambrose. A special thanks to Adam Mimms and Trip Poore for their great help ๐Ÿ˜


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The Cranberry Acres Equestrian Center will be hosting our annual fall horse show on Saturday, October 28, with a rain date of November 4th. All current students are welcome to join in the fun! Our shows are designed to teach the new rider what it is like to be in a riding competition. All the information you will need is on our website – School Horse show page.

JULY 10 -14 CAMP

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HELLO CAMPERS!! WE ARE GEARING UP FOR A GREAT WEEK! Remember to bring your water bottles. Wear light colored clothing, long pants hard shoes or boots and sun screen. Camp. Is from 8:30 – 12:30 Monday – Friday. If you have any questions – Please text Sue 804-571-3972


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The Lesson program at Cranberry Acres will be closed from Tuesday June 6 through Sunday June 11. Classes will resume, as well as the first camp will begin on Monday June 12th.


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Tonightโ€™s float preparation evening needs to be postponed to November 30th. Miss Sandy our craft coordinator has been very closely exposed to Covid and has a low-grade fever so does not want to risk spreading it to other horse lovers or anyone for that matter so hopefully everyone can change and come on the 30th. thank you and letโ€™s hope for a warmish night