The Amelia Christmas Parade was a lot of fun and very wet!! We all had a great time setting up the float and being together. Eli’s mom had the candy all organized with plastic holiday bags for each person to carry their share and thank goodness. I had brought paper bags and they would have been soaked through in no time. Everyone dug right in and set up the float and it turned out great. We won’t know what the judges thought until Thursday when the paper comes out. The children and adults ran from the float and gave candy to all parade watchers, we saw and were cheered on by lots of our friends. Cindy Charboneau and Sheridan Conner rode their matching paint horses in holiday fare and it was all just perfect! Thanks everyone for a great Parade.
Author Archives: sue
Summer Camp and School show – June
Posted onWell it’s finally here!! Summer!!
The Cranberry Acres will be hosting its first summer camp the week of June 23 – June 27. The week will end with a school show on June 28th from 9am – 4pm. Western riders will be first in the morning with horsemanship, reining and gymkhana events. Hunt seat and Jumper riders will show their skills in the afternoon. The program is posted in the lounge as well as entry forms. The class listing is slightly different, Keyhole instead of polebending, No cross country this time, added jumper classes and I will put in a dressage class if there is enough interest.
We will put up a table for anyone interested in selling any TACK at the show. Remember to bring plenty to drink and a picnic lunch, a lawn chair, sun screen and bug spray. Sign in with the show secretary when you arrive.
Camp will begin at 8:30 Monday morning, wear light colored clothes and bring your water bottle. The first camp is filling quickly, we still have room in our other camps. July hosts 2 jumping camps, August Mixed Western and Hunt seat – Come have fun with our horses……..
Results from Hazelwild Farm March 1st show
Posted onWhat a great day we had at Hazelwilds final show of the 2013-2014 series. Caroline Cumbea and Amber Adams started out the day in Puddle Jumpers. Both girls worked hard in a large group of riders and had good rounds, Caroline picked up a 4th place ribbon in Puddles #2 class.
We went next to our Novice Horse and Novice Rider competitors. Parker Mills picked up 4th, 3rd and 4th place ribbons, Ammie Adams won 3rd, 4th and 3rd and Payge Patenaude scored 4th, 4th and 5th in her classes.
Next onto our 3′ Jumpers – Katie Balch picked up a 5th and was Honorable Mention in the Series End Awards with 46 points!! Heather Nackerman was reserve Champion for the day pinning a 2nd, 6th and 2nd. She and Intriguing Mist held the most points for the series and came home with the Grand Champion.
Our final competitors were in the 3’3″ division and Emma Barnard brought home the Champion with a 1st, 3rd and 1st. McKenzie McMillian brought home a 3rd, 4th and 5th and Alanna Ballard came home with a 2 6th place ribbons.
March 1st Hazelwild
Posted onOur next show will be Saturday March 1st. Jumpers at Hazelwild. We will also go to a show at a Facility new to us called Autumn Olive on March 22, 2014. This show hosts Hunter and Equitation classes with Points for each show and a seasons end awards ceremony in October. Information for both shows are on the bulletin board in the lounge. Cranberry Acres School shows will be in April and in June. Camp dates are also in the lounge, I will be updating this site sooooon……
School Show – Sept 7
Posted onWe have a great day planned for this Saturday. Western riders ride first with horsemanship, reining and of course gymkhanna racing! Then we have an exhibition from our Drill Team, and then onto the huntseat riders and Jumpers. The weather looks like it’s gonna be great, so bring your cooler of drinks and snacks, a lawn chair or blanket and come join in on the fun!
August 20, 2011 C.A. School Show
Posted onI’m so sorry I hadn’t posted the show sooner for everyones’ information. Time is going tooooo fast. We will have a school show here at the stable to help riders preparing to compete outside the stable, and for the general fun for all who wish to compete. Check out the Show page to see which division you’d like to participate in. You won’t need to sign up till the week before the show, or the day of the show is fine too. Hope to see you here.
January Horse show
Posted onWe had a great time once again at Hazelwild farm in Fredricksburg. Katie and Gidgette took home a reserve Champion, Alana and Stormy, McKenzie and PJ and Stephanie and Cutty all took home good rides and ribbons. Looking forword to going again March 5th.
Summer Camp
Posted onSummer camp Week #1 starts Monday – We’re looking forward to a fun Summer!
Summer time riding fun
Posted onRiding lessons will continue during the Summer at the same schedule as during the School year. We hold summer camp mornings from 8:30 – 12:30. We take the middle of the day off – it’s too hot for horses and riders alike. We begin again at 3 and hold lessons into the evening hours with hopes of it cooling off. Please bring water with you and dress with light colored clothing. Boots and helmets are manditory. With Riders off school, we can be flexable with morning hours on the weeks that there is no camp. So come ride and have fun. See you at the stable……..
2010 Summer Camp
Posted onWe’re about a month out from the start of Camp and we are ready for a great time!! If you’ve returned your camp sign up – GREAT. If not we still have room in Camp 1 – 3 -4 and 5. So grab a friend and sign up for alot of summer horse fun.